10. When packing for Chicago, bring a heavy jacket, a light jacket, an umbrella, t-shirts and shorts, a winter scarf, and sunglasses. Basically I’m telling you that the weather is unpredictable in the late spring/summer. While at a baseball game in the middle of May, it started snowing. The next day it was so hot, I wore a t-shirt.
9. Visit the Navy pier/Michigan lake/beach. The “beach” may not rival California’s or Miami’s but it’s the next best thing. Sure, it’s only like a small strip of sand with no sea shells and 5inch waves, but on a beautiful day, it looks picture-perfect with the buildings in the background.
8. Shop along the Magnificent Mile. It’s Chicago’s “fifth avenue”, except with less people (who are nicer, I might add), less pollution, and a little less sales tax.
7. Go to McDonalds. It is absolutely fabulous. They have wireless internet, gelato (yes, Italian McDonald’s gelato), leather comfy couches, glass tables, and tiramisu. Tiramisu!
6. Have drinks at the John Hancock while staring at the skyline and the Sears tower. There’s no need to pay $20 dollars to enter into the Sears tower. Instead, enjoy a drink or two at the John Hancock lounge and enjoy the view from the 95th floor. The best view is from the woman’s bathroom. Sorry, guys.
5. Take a boat cruise. Chicago is known for their architecture. On the cruise you’ll learn about the modern buildings, post modern buildings and…Mmm, I forget the other types…Anyways, my favorite building was the “Champagne” Carbibe & Carbon building. The builders were pissed during the prohibition period of alcohol from 1920-1933 so they made a building inspired by a green and gold champagne bottle. I actually think it’s a lot cooler than the Sears tower.
4. Attend a baseball game: Sox or Cubs. Pick your team now because they’re rivals in Chicago.
3. Go to a jazz club and a blues bar (I liked “Chicago blues”). Three words: BEST MUSIC EVER.
2. Do the touristy thing and visit the attraction sites and monuments, especially the bean and Al Bundy’s famous fountain from “Married with Children”. It’s sorta sad that I only know the name of that fountain from the show. While there, take wacky pictures because you can. You’re a tourist and you can do whatever you want.
1. Eat out every night at new place. When my cousin Christine told me to visit Chicago, she told me that Chicago was known for two things: tall buildings and food. The latter kept my attention longer.
1 comment:
0. Visit childhood friend, Elizabeth, who lives in Chicago by the Sox Stadium.
You fail-boat. I'll be here for a couple more years. Next time you're in town, find me.
- Liz Wong
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