I flew into Alabama last week and just completed Camp Noah part deux. It started on Sunday and lasted until Friday night. I'm so happy that the kids from last year signed up again (and they brought friends!). Things went smoothly and it was a pleasure working with everyone. This was my second time doing mission work as a volunteer counselor for Camp Noah. I volunteered through my church last year and had a blast. We had almost the same team working this year with a few new hands on top of that. Unlike last year, we weren't assigned individual age groups but individual tasks/activities. So I was able to work with all the kids this year, not just one age group. Here are some pictures from this year's camp. I'll post other information after the picture post...There's so much to say!

Timmy, Me, Ana


The PINK team!

Luu loves watermelons

I wish I was small enough to play this game


Arts and Crafts

Thoaie is adorable. She's grown so much!

Lyona looks so studious

Aivi and her crew
Most of the students were fantastic. No one really stood out as difficult to deal with or a cry baby. Although there was this one girl, Ana, who had quite the appetite. She's standing on the right in the first picture. Homegirl eats a lot! I didn't call on her this one time and she started crying. I didn't know how to make her stop. I tried everything...offering to call on her during the next lesson, offering to let her play outside longer...EVERYTHING. Ultimately, what made her stop crying was when I offered her another brownie. The next day I caught her taking extra chocolate granola bars and I asked her how many she had eaten. She hesitated a bit and answered me in her southern accent, "this is my sixth bar Miss Lanny."I was shocked!!! I immediately told her to grab some carrot sticks...
Other than bad eating habits, Ana and the rest of the children seemed to have enjoyed the camp. We were fortunate that it didn't rain 24/7 down there. OOH, and we also got to eat our fair share of shrimp and crawfish. Yum. Every time I eat shrimp down there, I am somehow reminded of Forest Gump's friend, Buba.
The unfortunate part about Alabama was the mosquitoes. They are worse than Vietnam. Towards the end of the camp, I decided to wear pants because I didn't want parents thinking that I had some strange skin disease on my legs. Lord, have mercy.
If you want to read more about Camp Noah, I wrote a post on it last summer in Aug. Check it out!